A Note to Students Who Do Not Yet Have a Lot of Data
One goal of SURCA is to provide for students a venue to present, or disseminate, their work—and that includes students who are new to research. Awards for top presentations are given to students with various experience levels, and they include early career and novice researcher awards. There is also an entire research proposal presentation category designed for students working with a mentor on a project that is still in its early stages.
Take advantage of the SURCA opportunity. Perhaps the experience and feedback you will receive at SURCA will lead to you presenting at a national, professional conference. Plus, being a presenter adds a noteworthy activity to your resume.
A Note to Students With Research Involving Humans or Animals
If your research involves humans, you may need IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval. It is your responsibility to work with your mentor to determine what you may need to do. Refer to the IRB Undergraduate Research Guidance as needed (on the IRB page, select “Guidance Sheets” to find the Undergraduate Researchers Guidance).
If your research involves animals, you may need IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) approval. It is your responsibility to work with your mentor to determine what you may need to do. Refer to the IACUC Resources as needed.