Joint presenters Thompson and Woodman present their arts and design project to SURCA 2023 judge Karen Weathermon.

Present at SURCA

Apply Now

Applications to present at SURCA 2024 are due Tues., Feb. 20, 2024.

How to Present at SURCA

Follow our step-by-step guide below to submit and present your undergraduate research, scholarship, or creative activity work at SURCA 2024. If you have questions, please contact SURCA staff at

  1. Start by reviewing our comprehensive Application Guidelines.
  2. Decide what work you are going to present. All mentored research, scholarship, or creative activities are welcomed, regardless of whether they were carried out at WSU or anywhere else.
  3. Write an abstract that summarizes your work with the help of your mentor.
  4. Carefully review all nine presentation categories with your mentor and select the category that best fits your project.
  5. Decide with your mentor whether you are going to need a table, electricity, or other special needs so that your work can best be shown at your presentation.
  6. Submit your application with an abstract by the application deadline using the online submission process.  Each abstract is reviewed, and submitters will be notified by mid-March as to whether they are accepted to present at SURCA. Close to the date of SURCA, an online searchable presentation list will feature every presenter’s abstract.
  7. Prepare your poster and associated presentation. Look on the calendar for scheduled workshops on creating and making a successful SURCA presentation.
  8. Review the judging rubric. It details how all presentations will be evaluated by judges. That information can help you plan and prepare an effective presentation. Please note the project and presenter elements, criteria, and various ratings, plus the overall rating at the bottom.
  9. Practice delivering your presentation with your mentor and other students who are both in your discipline and outside of it. Being able to describe your work and results to those not in your field is an important skill that will be expected of you during the judging process.
  10. Be ready to attend SURCA 2024 on March 25 at the times indicated in the schedule for presenters.

A Note to Students Who Do Not Yet Have a Lot of Data

One goal of SURCA is to provide for students a venue to present, or disseminate, their work—and that includes students who are new to research. Awards for top presentations are given to students with various experience levels, and they include early career and novice researcher awards. There is also an entire research proposal presentation category designed for students working with a mentor on a project that is still in its early stages.

Take advantage of the SURCA opportunity. Perhaps the experience and feedback you will receive at SURCA will lead to you presenting at a national, professional conference. Plus, being a presenter adds a noteworthy activity to your resume.

A Note to Students With Research Involving Humans or Animals

If your research involves humans, you may need IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval. It is your responsibility to work with your mentor to determine what you may need to do. Refer to the IRB Undergraduate Research Guidance as needed (on the IRB page, select “Guidance Sheets” to find the Undergraduate Researchers Guidance).

If your research involves animals, you may need IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) approval. It is your responsibility to work with your mentor to determine what you may need to do. Refer to the IACUC Resources as needed.