SURCA 2020 Abstract Book Posted Online

PULLMAN, Wash.—The Showcase for Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) 2020 abstract book of student projects is now available online, said Shelley Pressley, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research. It is part of the Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement at Washington State University.

In anticipation of the March 30 Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA), around 250 students submitted nearly 200 abstracts summarizing their work and results from mentored research, scholarship, and creative pursuits. Precautions associated with COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, led to SURCA 2020’s cancellation.

Students as well as faculty, staff, and the community are invited to download the abstract book to read about the varied and unique projects. They are divided into eight categories and cover a wealth of STEM and non-STEM pursuits.

Each year, students from all majors, campuses, and years in college are invited to participate in SURCA, which is part of WSU Showcase Week. SURCA 2020 would have been the ninth annual poster showcase, which has become a much-anticipated WSU tradition and the only such event where undergraduate research is disseminated and presented for review.

The SURCA Committee extends thanks to all students who applied to present, as well as the dozens of faculty, post-doctoral students, and community experts who registered to judge presentations and the many others who volunteered for a multitude of SURCA tasks. SURCA 2021 is already being planned for next year.

MEDIA: Shelley Pressley, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, part of the WSU Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement (DAESA), 509-335-0014,